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DCUO Why The Hell Skill Points dont matters anymore

Hello readers, first ball I wanna say thats I'll write this post and its all about my opinion.

The big question is: Why The Hell Skill Points dont matters anymore?

I love DCUO but its the fact that they take out the matters of Skill Points and transfers this for the CR status is making me sad.

Cause if you have a high CR you can do damage since you have at least 114 skill points that allow you to set all critical damage in the weapons tree equals or near of someone that has more than 200 skill points, so its extremely sadly.

The point is that getting a high CR is extremely easy instead of get skill points, thats envolve some steps to get them.

To get high CR you only have to get armors for your chars, doing instances in the game and if you do part of a good league in the game, you will find help from you collegues that already have a high CR.

Lots of people like me that loves the game are thinking or already have abandonned the game.

This is a big mistake that the game did against the true players that like the challenge to get more and more skill point to make your char powerfull, since they take off the matters of skill points, I see lots of peoples upset, leaving the game and dont getting interest in to challenge yourself to get more skill points.

And its are affecting not only players but the game economy too, cause peoples that used to buy rare pieces of armor to get feats from them, stoped to buy.

Well I hope that DCUO changes minds and return the matters of skill points, cause do less damage from another play that has half of your skill points and same CR, only got frustrate thoughts and bad feelings.

Hope you guys like this post and soon I'll write about the unfair powers revamp.

Bye for now.


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